Our Services
Imagine… one company for all of your financial marketing needs! We love to help our clients succeed, and we work every day to help you achieve your marketing and business goals. Contact us today if you have any questions @ 844.4.Gaffney or [email protected].
Coaching & Consulting:
Since 2013, we have trained thousands of advisors across the U.S. In that time, we have compiled the data-driven best practices that all advisors need to succeed at the highest level! One-to-one coaching and consulting programs will propel your practice to the next level!
- One-to-one Coaching & Consulting
- Group Coaching
- Data-driven Best Practices
- Guaranteed Results
Brand Development:
We help our advisor clients stand out from their competitors by helping build a consistent and memorable brand image. We strategically plan how the brand and business image impact your clients and prospects and develop an all-encompassing brand direction and guide that will help accelerate brand recognition and overall perception. We believe that your brand is your story.
- Logo Design
- Brand Standards
- Brand Usage Guides
- Brand Story and Message
- Brand Awareness and Promotion
Seminars & Webinars:
Our proprietary “MEG Seminar Master” program will help you in all three phases of successful event marketing. First, “Pre-game,” the goal is to fill your seats with as many qualified prospects as possible! Second, “Game-day,” to convert the maximum amount of prospects to appointments during the events. Lastly, “Post Game, ” if they sign up, we need to make sure they show up!
- Turnkey Seminar Marketing Solutions
- Presentation Design
- Conversion Strategies
- Seminar Materials
Television & Radio:
No other Financial Advisor Marketing Company has produced more television shows, commercials, and live appearances than MEG! Let MEG show you how to build your brand on television and radio from content, to production, to success!
- Turnkey Television and Radio Shows
- Turnkey Television and Radio Commercials
- Television and Radio Appearance
- Media Coaching for Novice to Pro
Web Presence:
From CMS development to a fully custom website with database connectivity, we have the resources to plan, design, and implement your online presence. From a simple informational site to a full-blown e-commerce site, we will produce a fully functional, engaging website, complete with all the web-based marketing and social media tools that you need to reach your audience and turn visits into conversions.
- Web Design and Development
- CMS Development and Deployment
- Advanced Application Development
- CMS Training For Your Staff
- Hosting and Maintenance Services
Digital Marketing:
Webinar marketing, social media integration, online public relations, email marketing, and online advertising are important aspects of your online marketing efforts. MEG can develop a comprehensive online strategy that can integrate all of these vital elements into one cohesive and consistent marketing package which, in turn, supports your website and online presence.
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Targeted Digital Campaigns
- Webinar Marketing
- Social Media Channel Development
Book Publishing:
MEG believes that becoming a best-selling author puts you on the map! Being an author in a best-selling book not only makes you relevant in your industry, but it also sets you apart as a Rockstar in a sea of sameness. MEG produces several best-selling books every year elevating advisors to an authority and expert status in their marketplace. It’s so easy with our proprietary turnkey book publishing process.
Public Relations:
In today’s competitive advisor environment, image plays a major role in getting clients through your door! Riding the coattails of some of the biggest brands in this country will make your image perfectly marketed with being able to say, “As seen on and featured in: ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX, your local television, radio stations, major trade magazines, and periodicals.” This will position you as a go-to sought after expert in your marketplace.
- Network Television Appearances
- Top Radio Appearances
- Financial Periodicals
- Financial Websites
Database Marketing:
The hottest question with advisors today is, “How do I use the relationships in my database to produce more production?” Database marketing is low investment and high return! Let us show you the four ways to produce massive revenue through connection and communicating consistently with your database!
- Formal Referral Strategies
- Annual Review Strategies
- Maximizing Client Dollars Between Annual Reviews
- Prospect Nurturing
- Lead Management
Creative Services:
Whether it’s a logo, brochure, or any other type of graphic design project, MEG has the technical and creative skills to get the job done right, on budget, and on target. MEG uses only the latest software applications and industry-standard practices to design, manage, and implement any creative concept or campaign. We always keep our client’s ideas and input at the forefront of any project and encourage interaction during the entire design process.
- Print Media Design
- Direct Mail Design
- Stationery Design
- Banner Stands and Signs
- Offset and Custom Printing
Video Production:
Your story is your brand! We live in the video age and you must be using video to tell your story. Video is the best way to compel prospects and clients to take action! Our in-house video production team will help convert your practice into a film quality marketing piece. Whatever you need, we‘ll have it just for you.
- Guide Videos
- Corporate Spotlight
- Sizzle Reel
- High Production Commercials
Strategy & Planning:
“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” -Sun Tzu. Our proprietary strategy and planning process will help prepare a blueprint to your production goals! We guarantee it! We’ve helped numerous advisors attain elite production by creating a custom marketing plan. Every advisor needs a written plan and we will help create one just for you!
- Comprehensive Marketing Plans
- Data-driven Best Practice Strategies
- Customized for You and Your Goals
- Guaranteed Results

If you would like to know how to “Perfectly Market Your Business” and get started on the fast track to business growth, give us a call at 844.4.Gaffney (844.442.3363) or send us an email [email protected].
550 North Reo Street #300
Tampa, FL 33609
Phone: 844.4.Gaffney (844.442.3363)
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.markedwardgaffney.com
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